How to debug a Bevel deployment

While deploying a DLT/Blockchain network using Bevel, the pods and other components take some time to start. The Bevel automation (Ansible component) waits for the components to be at a “Running” or “Completed” state before proceeding with further steps. This is where you can see the message “FAILED - RETRYING: … “

Each component has a retry count which can be configured in the configuration file (network.yaml). When everything is fine, the components are usually up in 10-15 retries. Meanwhile, you can check the components while the retries occurs to avoid unnecessary wait time till the error/Failed message occurs in Ansible logs.

Bevel Deployment Flowchart

This flow chart shows the Bevel Deployment process flow. To verify the steps of deployment, follow the flow chart and check verification table ‘C’ to troubleshoot the general errors. ../_images/common_flowchart.png

Common Troubleshooting

Table ‘C’

Section Sub-section Problem Possible Cause Solution
C1 a Unable to mount config-map git-auth-{{ network.env.type }} Gitops key file path is wrong or file is unreadable by Ansible controller Check the gitops.private_key in network.yaml value is an absolute path, and the file is readable by the Ansible controller. Update this for all organizations and re-run the playbook after reset.
C2 a Unable to clone repository Correct permissions have not been given to the gitops public key Check that the public key corresponding to the gitops.private_key has been added to the Git repo with read-write permissions. As mentioned here
C2 b Unable to clone repository git_ssh value is wrong The gitops.git_url should be the SSH or HTTPs clone address of the git repository. For example for GitHub it will be like<username>/bevel.git
C2 c Unable to clone repository SSH is blocked from Kubernetes Check that you can clone the git repo using ssh from another pod on the same Kubernetes cluster. If not, check your organization security groups to allow port 22 access outbound
C2 d No such file or directory Files are not getting committed to the git repo from Ansible controller Check gitops section of each organization for possible mistakes in branch, password/token, git_url, etc
C2 e No such file or directory Files are not getting committed to the git repo from Ansible Controller Check whether git branch is right. Ansible playbook should be run from the same branch as specified in network.yaml in gitops section
Check the Ansible logs to see if your local repo is in sync with the remote
Check whether the git password/token is valid
C2 f The storageclass SC_NAME is invalid The storageclass template is wrong and not according to Kubernetes defined rules Check that the new StorageClass template that you have added is valid by manually creating a storage class using the same template. (This error will occur only if you have added or changed the Storageclass template). Refer to Bevel Operations Guide on how to add a new storage class template
C2 g Retries exhausted while waiting for service account to come up If the flux pod is in crashloopbackoff, and flux pod log mentions
"extracting public key: Load key \"/etc/fluxd/ssh/identity\": invalid format\r\n"
Re-create the public/private key for gitops, add the gitops private key path to the network.yaml, add the public key to the repository, reset the network and run again. To reset the network ansible-playbook platforms/shared/configurations/site.yaml -e "" -e "reset=true"


If the components are not able to connect to each other, there could be some issue with load balancer. Check the haproxy or external DNS logs for more debugging. Also verify the security groups for any possible conflicts.

If any pod/component of the network is not running (in crashloopbackoff or in error state) or is absent in the get pods list.

Check the flux logs if it has been deployed or not. Check the helm release. Check the status as well as if the key-values are generated properly. For further debugging check for pod/container logs. If components are there but not able to talk to each, check whether the ambasssador/ haproxy is working properly, urls are properly mapped and ports are opened for communication or not.

Hyperledger Fabric Checks

The flow chart shows the Fabric Deployment process. To verify the steps of deployment, follow the verification Table ‘F’, to troubleshoot the general errors.


Fabric Troubleshooting

Table ‘F’

Section Sub-section Problem Possible Cause Solution
F1 a Ansible playbook failed after exhausting retry counts or
CA pod is in Init:Crashloopbackoff state
Playbook execution terminated at
Role: create/ca-tools
Task: Waiting for the CA server to be created in ORG_NAME-net
Error: Retries exhausted
Issues with Vault connectivity If the pod ca-random_suffix has status as Init:Crashloopbackoff. Check the logs of the init container certificates-init of this pod. This can be checked using the command
kubectl logs ca-random_suffix -c certificates-init -n ORG_NAME-net
F1 b Ansible playbook failed after exhausting retry counts or
CA pod is in Init:Crashloopbackoff state
Playbook execution terminated at
Role: create/ca-tools
Task: Waiting for the CA server to be created in ORG_NAME-net
Error: Retries exhausted
Issue with Vault authentication If the logs mention "access denied", make sure that the Vault authentications were created correctly by checking all the tabs on Vault UI.
Any Vault authentication problem is because of running different configurations (network.yaml) on the same Vault. Please ensure that you reset the network before re-running with a different network.yaml.
F1 c Ansible playbook failed after exhausting retry counts
Playbook execution terminated at
Role: create/ca_tools
Task: Waiting for pod CA in ORG_NAME-net
Error: Retry count exhausted
Storage class is incorrect Check the description of the pod ca-random_suffix under the namespace ORG_NAME-net . This can be done using the command
kubectl describe pod ca-random_suffix -n ORG_NAME-net
If the events (at the end of description says) "pod has unbound immediate PersistentVolumeClaims (repeated n times)" then this can possibly check
a. If you haven't modified any storage class templates, then check network.organization.cloud_provider for incorrect cloud provider
b. If you have modified storage class, please make sure that the storage class works with the mentioned cloud provider under network.organization.cloud_provider
F2 a Orderer(s) pods aren't deployed
Ansible playbook failed at
Role: create/crypto/peer
Task: Copy tls ca.crt from auto generated path to given path
Error: Msg: Destination directory ORDERER_TLS_CERT_DIR does not exist
Orderer TLS certificate path errors or inconsistency
with the orderer definitions in the orderer section
and the orderer organizations
Ensure the path network.orderer.certificate is an accessible (read and write) by the Ansible controller and is an absolute path.
F2 b Orderer(s) pods aren't deployed
Ansible playbook failed at
Role: create/crypto/peer
Task: Copy tls ca.crt from auto generated path to given path
Error: Msg: Destination directory ORDERER_TLS_CERT_DIR does not exist
Orderer TLS certificate path errors or inconsistency
with the orderer definitions in the orderer section
and the orderer organizations
This also occur only when the orderer section under the organization with type as orderer and the orderer section under network.orderers are inconsistent. Check network.yaml and reset and re-run after fixing the inconsistency.
F2 c Orderer(s) pods aren't deployed
Playbook execution terminated at
Role: create/crypto/peer
Task: Create ambassador credentials
Error: error: Cannot read file ./build/crypto-config/peerOrganizations/
open ./build/crypto-config/peerOrganizations/
no such file or directory
When having multi peers, the naming convention is incorrect This error usually comes when the peers aren't named in sequential order. Bevel currently supports peer naming in sequential order. So if there are 3 peers, they should always be named as peer0, peer1 and peer2. Check network.yaml and reset and re-run after fixing the inconsistency.
F2 d Ansible playbook failed after exhausting retry counts or
orderer pod is in Init:Crashloopbackoff state
Playbook execution terminated at
Role: create/channels
Task: Waiting for orderer pod ORDERER_NAME in ORG_NAME-net
Error: Retries exhausted
Issues with Vault connectivity If the pod ORDERER_NAME-0 has status as Init:Crashloopbackoff. Check the logs of the init container certificates-init of this pod. This can be checked using the command
kubectl logs ORDERER_NAME-0 -n ORG_NAME-net -c certificates-init
If the logs mention non accessibility of the Vault, make sure that the Vault is up and running and is accessible from the cluster
F2 e Ansible playbook failed after exhausting retry counts or
orderer pod is in Init:Crashloopbackoff state
Playbook execution terminated at
Role: create/channels
Task: Waiting for orderer pod ORDERER_NAME in ORG_NAME-net
Error: Retries exhausted
Issues with Vault authentication If the logs mention "access denied", make sure that the Vault authentications were created correctly by checking all the tabs on Vault UI. Any Vault authentication problem is because of running different configurations (network.yaml) on the same Vault. Please ensure that you reset the network before re-running with a different network.yaml.
F3 a Ansible playbook failed after exhausting retry counts or
peer pod is in Init:Crashloopbackoff state
Playbook execution terminated at
Role: create/channels
Task: Waiting for peer pod PEER_NAME in ORG_NAME-net
Error: Retries exhausted/stuck
Issue with Vault connectivity If the pod PEER_NAME-0 has the status as Init:Crashloopbackoff. Check the logs of the init container certificates-init of this pod. This can be checked using the command
kubectl logs PEER_NAME-0 -n ORG_NAME-net -c certificates-init
If the logs mention non accessibility of the Vault, make sure that the Vault is up and running and is accessible from the cluster
F3 b Ansible playbook failed after exhausting retry counts or
peer pod is in Init:Crashloopbackoff state
Playbook execution terminated at
Role: create/channels
Task: Waiting for peer pod PEER_NAME in ORG_NAME-net
Error: Retries exhausted/stuck
Issues with Vault authentication If the logs mention "access denied", make sure that the Vault authentications were created correctly by checking all the tabs on Vault UI. Any Vault authentication problem is because of running different configurations (network.yaml) on the same Vault. Please ensure that you reset the network before re-running with a different network.yaml.
F4 a Ansible playbook failed after exhausting retry counts or
createchannel job pod is in Init:Crashloopbackoff state
Playbook execution terminated at
Role: create/channels_join
Task: waiting for PEER_NAME to create channel CHANNEL_NAME
Error: Retries exhausted/stuck
Issues with Vault connectivity If the pod createchannel-CHANNEL_NAME-random_suffix has the status as Init:Crashloopbackoff. Check the logs of the init container certificates-init of this pod. This can be checked using the command
kubectl logs createchannel-CHANNEL_NAME-random_suffix -n ORG_NAME-net -c certificates-init
If the logs mention non accessibility of the Vault, make sure that the Vault is up and running and is accessible from the cluster
F4 b Ansible playbook failed after exhausting retry counts or
createchannel job pod is in Init:Crashloopbackoff state
Playbook execution terminated at
Role: create/channels_join
Task: waiting for PEER_NAME to create channel CHANNEL_NAME
Error: Retries exhausted/stuck
Issue with Vault authentication If the logs mention "access denied", make sure that the Vault authentications were created correctly by checking all the tabs on Vault UI. Any Vault authentication problem is because of running different configurations (network.yaml) on the same Vault. Please ensure that you reset the network before re-running with a different network.yaml.
F4 c Create channel pod is in crashloopbackoff or
error state
Ansible playbook is stuck on the retries at
Role: create/channels_join
Task: Waiting for ORG_NAME to create channel CHANNEL_NAME
Error: Stuck at retries
Non-accessibility of proxy URL(s) Check the logs of the pod createchannel-CHANNEL_NAME-random_suffix. This can be checked using the command
kubectl logs createchannel-CHANNEL_NAME-random_suffix -n ORG_NAME-net
If the logs mentions at the end
Error: failed to create deliver client: orderer client failed to connect to ORDERER_NAME.EXTERNAL_URL_SUFFIX:8443:failed to create new connection: context deadline exceeded
For this error, check the external URL suffix being available and check its access from the security groups of the VPC.
This error is not expected when using minikube.
F4 d Ansible playbook retry count over for the task and no create_channel pod is visible
Ansible playbook exhausted the total retry at
Role: create/channels_join
Task: `Waiting for ORG_NAME to create channel CHANNEL_NAME
Error: Retry count exhausted
Job failed more than 6 times due to an error All jobs in Bevel disappear if they failed for 6 times. To re-run the jobs, delete the HelmRelease resource using the command
kubectl delete hr channel-ORG_NAME -n ORG_NAME-net
and then wait for the pod createchannel-CHANNEL_NAME-random_suffix
Once the pods come up, they will fail again, refer to solution mentioned above for possible resolution.
F4 e JoinChannel pod is/are in crashloopbackoff or error state
Ansible playbook is stuck on the retries at
Role: create/channels_join
Task: Wait for job joinchannel-PEER_NAME-CHANNEL_NAME in ORG_NS
Error: Stuck at retries
Peer has already joined the channel Check the logs of the pod joinchannel-PEER_NAME-CHANNEL_NAME-random_suffix. This can be checked using the command
kubectl logs joinchannel-PEER_NAME-CHANNEL_NAME-random_suffix -n ORG_NAME-net
If the logs mentions at the end that
Error: proposal failed (err: bad proposal response 500: cannot create ledger from genesis block: LedgerID already exists
For this, reset the network if you want to start fresh and re-run the network.
Alternatively, start deploying the ansible playbook from after the task role mentioned in first column.
F4 f Ansible playbook retry count over for the task and no join_channel pod is visible
Ansible playbook exhausted the total retry at
Role: create/channels_join
Task: Wait for job joinchannel-PEER_NAME-CHANNEL_NAME in ORG_NS
Error: Retries exhausted
Job failed more than 6 times due to an error All jobs in Bevel disappear if they failed for 6 times. To re-run the jobs, delete the HelmRelease resource using the command
kubectl delete hr join-CHANNEL_NAME-ORG_NAME-PEER_NAME -n ORG_NAME-net
and then wait for the pod joinchannel-PEER_NAME-CHANNEL_NAME-random_suffix. Once the pods come up, they will fail again, refer to solution mentioned above for possible resolution.
F5 a Ansible playbook failed after exhausting retry counts or
anchorpeer job pod is in Init:Crashloopbackoff state
Playbook execution terminated at
Role: create/chaincode/install
Task: Waiting for the job anchorpeer-CHANNEL_NAME-ORG_NAME
Error: Retries exhausted/stuck
Issues with Vault connectivity If the pod anchorpeer-PEER_NAME-CHANNEL_NAME-random_suffix has the status as Init:Crashloopbackoff. Check the logs of the init container certificates-init of this pod. This can be checking using the command
kubectl logs anchorpeer-PEER_NAME-CHANNEL_NAME-random_suffix -n ORG_NAME-net -c certificates-init
If the logs mention non accessibility of the Vault, make sure that the Vault is up and running and is accessible from the cluster
F6 a Ansible playbook execution failed after exhausting retry counts or
createchannel/joinchannel job pod is in Init:Crashloopbackoff state
Playbook execution failed at
Role: create/chaincode/instantiate
Task: Waiting for chaincode to be installed on {{ }}
Error: Retry count exhaunted, playbook stopped
The chaincode git credentials are wrong/absent Check the git credentials under for possible incorrect credentials
F6 b Ansible playbook execution failed after exhausting retry counts or
createchannel/joinchannel job pod is in Init:Crashloopbackoff state
Playbook execution failed at
Role: create/chaincode/instantiate
Task: Waiting for chaincode to be installed on {{ }}
Error: Retry count exhaunted, playbook stopped
Issues with Vault connectivity If the pod installchaincode-PEER_NAME-CHAINCODE_NAME-1-random_suffix or instantiatechaincode-PEER_NAME-CHAINCODE_NAME-1-random_suffix has the status as Init:Crashloopbackoff. Check the logs of the init container certificates-init of this pod. You can check this using the command
kubectl logs installchaincode-PEER_NAME-CHAINCODE_NAME-1-random_suffix -n ORG_NAME-net -c certificates-init
kubectl logs instantiatechaincode-PEER_NAME-CHAINCODE_NAME-1-random_suffix -n ORG_NAME-net -c certificates-init
If the logs mention non accessibility of the Vault, make sure that the Vault is up and running and is accessible from the cluster.
F7 a Ansible playbook execution failed
Playbook execution failed at
Role: create/channels_join
Task: waiting for {{ }} to join {{ channel_join }}
Error: genesis block file not found open allchannel.block: no such file or directory
The orderer certificates aren't provided/non-accessible/incorrect This error comes when the orderer certificate mentioned in the orderer block network.orderers[*].certificate is invalid, the path not readable or contains the wrong tls certificate of orderer. Fix the errors and reset and re-run the playbook.

Final network validy check

For final checking of the validity of the fabric network.

  • Create a CLI pod for any organization. (Now Peer CLI can be enabled from network.yaml itself. Check the sample network.yaml for reference)

    Use this sample template.

        namespace: ORG_NAME-net
        fabrictools: hyperledger/fabric-tools:2.0
        class: ORG_NAMEsc
        size: 256Mi
        role: ault-role
        address: VAULT_ADDR
        authpath: ORG_NAME-net-auth
        adminsecretprefix: secretsv2/crypto/peerOrganizations/ORG_NAME-net/users/admin
        orderersecretprefix: secretsv2/crypto/peerOrganizations/ORG_NAME-net/orderer
        serviceaccountname: vault-auth
        imagesecretname: regcred
        tls: false
        name: PEER_NAME
        localmspid: ORG_NAMEMSP
        tlsstatus: true
        address: PEER_NAME.ORG_NAME-net.EXTERNAL_URL_SUFFIX:8443
        address: ORDERER_NAME
  • To install the CLI

    helm install -f cli.yaml /bevel/platforms/hyperledger-fabric/charts/fabric_cli/ -n <CLI_NAME>
  • Get the CLI pod

    export ORG1_NS=ORG_NAME-net
    export CLI=$(kubectl get po -n ${ORG1_NS} | grep "cli" | awk '{print $1}')
  • Copy the CLI pod name from the output list and enter the CLI using.

    kubectl exec -it $CLI -n ORG_NAME-net -- bash
  • To see which chaincodes are installed

    peer chaincode list --installed (after exec into the CLI)
  • Check if the chaincode is instantiated or not

    peer chaincode list --instantiated -C allchannel (after exec into the CLI)
  • Execute a transaction

    For init:

    peer chaincode invoke -o <orderer url> --tls true --cafile <path of orderer tls cert> -C <channel name> -n <chaincode name> -c '{"Args":[<CHAINCODE_INSTANTIATION_ARGUMENT>]}' (after exec into the cli)

Upon successful invocation, should display a status 200 msg.

Hyperledger Indy Checks

The flow chart shows the Indy Deployment process. To verify the steps of deployment, follow the Verification Table ‘N’, to troubleshoot the general errors.


Indy Troubleshooting

Table ‘N’

Section Sub-Section Problem Possible Cause Solution
N1 a Ansible playbook successful
Playbook execution terminated at
Role: setup/domain_genesis
Task: Create domain genesis
Error: Ansible vars or dict object not found, domain genesis was not created
network.yaml not properly configured Please check organisation.service.trustees, organisation.service.stewards and organisation.service.endorsers is properly configured for the failing organisation in your network.yaml.
Please refer to indy_sample.yaml for more details.
N1 b Ansible playbook failed
Playbook execution terminated at
Role: setup/domain_genesis
Task: Create domain genesis
Error: Vault Access denied, Root Token invalid, Vault Sealed
Vault connectivity If the logs mention "access denied", make sure that the Vault authentications were created correctly by checking all the tabs on Vault UI.
Any Vault authentication problem is because of running different configurations (network.yaml) on the same Vault.
Please ensure that you reset the network before re-running with a different network.yaml.
N2 a Ansible playbook successful
Playbook execution terminated at
Role: setup/pool_genesis
Task: Create pool genesis
Error: Ansible vars or dict object not found, pool genesis was not created
network.yaml not properly configured Please check organisation.service.trustees, organisation.service.stewards and organisation.service.endorsers is properly configured for the failing organisation in your network.yaml.
Please refer to indy_sample.yaml for more details.
N2 b Ansible playbook failed
Playbook execution terminated at
Role: setup/pool_genesis
Task: Create pool genesis
Error: Vault Access denied, Root Token invalid, Vault Sealed
Vault connectivity If the logs mention "access denied", make sure that the Vault authentications were created correctly by checking all the tabs on Vault UI.
Any Vault authentication problem is because of running different configurations (network.yaml) on the same Vault.
Please ensure that you reset the network before re-running with a different network.yaml.
N3 a Ansible playbook successful
Playbook execution terminated at
Role: setup/node
Task: Wait until steward pods are running
Error: logs of the nodes show that the nodes cannot connect with each other
Port/IP blocked from firewall You can check the logs of node pods using: $> kubectl logs -f -n university university-university-steward-1-node-0 Properly configure the required outbound and inbound rules for the firewall settings for Ambassador Pod.
if you using AWS the firewall setting for the Ambassador Pod will be K8S Cluster's worker-sg Security Group.
N3 b Ansible playbook successful
Playbook execution terminated at
Role: setup/node
Task: Wait until steward pods are running
Error: Not able to connect to the indy pool
Ambassador IP does not match the PublicIps provided in network.yaml Check the Ambassador Host's IP using $> host <Ambassador Public URL> and verify if the same is present in the PublicIps: section of your network.yaml
N3 c Ansible playbook successful
Playbook execution terminated at
Role: setup/node
Task: Wait until steward pods are running
Error: Not able to connect to the indy pool
Port/IP blocked from firewall Properly configure the required outbound and inbound rules for the firewall settings for Ambassador Pod.
if you using AWS the firewall setting for the Ambassador Pod will be K8S Cluster's worker-sg Security Group.
N3 d Ansible playbook failed
Playbook execution terminated at
Role: setup/node
Task: Wait until steward pods are running
Error: Vault Access denied, Root Token invalid, Vault Sealed
Vault connectivity If the logs mention "access denied", make sure that the Vault authentications were created correctly by checking all the tabs on Vault UI.
Any Vault authentication problem is because of running different configurations (network.yaml) on the same Vault.
Please ensure that you reset the network before re-running with a different network.yaml.
N4 a Ansible playbook successful
Playbook execution terminated at
Role: setup/endorsers
Task: Wait until identities are creating
Error: not able to connect to indy pool
Port/IP blocked from firewall Properly configure the required outbound and inbound rules for the firewall settings for Ambassador Pod.
if you using AWS the firewall setting for the Ambassador Pod will be K8S Cluster's worker-sg Security Group.
N4 b Ansible playbook successful
Playbook execution terminated at
Role: setup/endorsers
Task: Wait until identities are creating
Error: not able to connect to indy pool
Ambassador IP does not match the PublicIps provided in network.yaml Check the Ambassador Host's IP using $> host <Ambassador Public URL> and verify if the same is present in the PublicIps: section of your network.yaml
N4 c Ansible playbook successful
Playbook execution terminated at
Role: setup/endorsers
Task: Wait until identities are creating
Error: Resource Temporarily Unavailable
Insufficient memory issues leads to RockDB getting locked The steward node pods are not getting sufficient memory to turn up the RocksDB service hence it results in the nDB to get locked. Recommedation is to either scale up the k8s nodes or increase the memory of existing k8s nodes
N4 d Ansible playbook failed
Playbook execution terminated at
Role: setup/endorsers
Task: Wait until identities are creating
Error: Vault Access denied, Root Token invalid, Vault Sealed
Vault connectivity If the logs mention "access denied", make sure that the Vault authentications were created correctly by checking all the tabs on Vault UI.
Any Vault authentication problem is because of running different configurations (network.yaml) on the same Vault.
Please ensure that you reset the network before re-running with a different network.yaml.

Final network validity check

For final checking of the validity of the indy network.

  • Please find the generated pool genesis inside your releases/ReleaseName/OrgName/OrgName-ptg folder as pool_genesis.yaml.

    NOTE: All the organisations will have the same pool genesis. Hence, you can pick from any organization

    The sample ConfigMap:

    kind: HelmRelease
      name: employer-ptg
      annotations: "false"
      namespace: employer-ns
      releaseName: employer-ptg
        path: platforms/hyperledger-indy/charts/indy-pool-genesis
        ref: main
          name: employer-ptg
          namespace: employer-ns
          name: employer
          poolGenesis: |-
  • Copy the genesis block to a new file, say pool_genesis.txt

    pool_genesis.txt >>
  • Install indy-CLI, in case not installed already, follow the official installation steps.

  • Open the indy-CLI terminal

    ~$ indy-cli
  • Create a pool

    indy> pool create <POOL_ALIAS> gen_txn_file=<Path to pool_genesis.txt>
  • Connect to indy pool

    indy> pool connect <POOL_ALIAS>

Upon successful connection, should display a Pool Connected Successfully msg.

R3 Corda Checks

The flow chart shows the R3 Corda process. To verify the steps of deployment, follow the Verification Table ‘R’, to troubleshoot the general errors.


R3 Corda Troubleshooting

Table ‘N’

Section Sub-Section Problem Possible Cause Solution
R1 a Ansible playbook failed
Playbook execution terminated at
Role: create/certificates/ambassador
Task: Copy generated ambassador tls certs to given build location.
Error: Destination directory, example: /home/[user]/build/corda/doorman/tls,
does not exist
Folder to copy tls certs does not exist. network.network_services.certificate value is either misspelled or directory doesn't exist.
R1 b Ansible playbook failed
Playbook execution terminated at
Role: setup/vault_kubernetes
Task: Write reviewer token
Error: Error writing data to auth/cordadoormanjv/config: Error making API request.
Code: 403. Errors: permission denied.
Folder permission might be incorrect. Fix the folder permission with chmod to grand access to the cert-file.
R1 c Ansible playbook failed
Playbook execution terminated at
Role: setup/vault_kubernetes
Task: Write reviewer token
Error: Error writing data to auth/cordadoormanjv/config: Error making API request.
Code: 403. Errors: permission denied.
Vault root_token might be incorrect. network.organizations.organization.vault.root_token value is incorrect.
R1 d Ansible playbook failed
Playbook execution terminated at
Role: gitops_role
Task: gitops_task
Error: gitops_related_error
Gitops variables are wrongly configured. Please verify all the Gitops blocks in your network.yaml.
R1 e Ansible playbook failed
Playbook execution terminated at
Role: create/certificates/doorman
Task: Any task that interacts with vault
Error: Vault timeout or related error.
Vault was unavailable due to connection issues. Please verify all Vault configuration field in the network.yaml. Additionally check if the Vault service/instance is online and reachable.
R1 f Ansible playbook failed
Playbook execution terminated at
Role: create/certificates/nms
Task: Any task that interacts with vault
Error: Vault timeout or related error.
Vault was unavailable due to connection issues. Please verify all Vault configuration field in the network.yaml. Additionally check if the Vault service/instance is online and reachable.
R1 g Ansible playbook failed

Error: Doorman/NMS are unreachable HTTP error.
Task:** Check that network services uri are reachable.
URI/URL could be misconfigured in the network.yaml.
Something else went wrong that caused a timeout.
Reset network and retry, in addition you could you the logs for detailed reasons in why the init container is failing to start.
R2 a Ansible playbook failed
Playbook execution terminated at
Role: create/certificates/notary
Task: Any task that interacts with vault
Error: Vault timeout or related error.
Vault was unavailable due to connection issues. Please verify all Vault configuration field in the network.yaml. Additionally check if the Vault service/instance is online and reachable.
R3 a Ansible playbook failed
Playbook execution terminated at
Role: create/node_component
Task: create value file for notaryjv job
Error: AnsibleUndefinedVariable: 'dict object' has no attribute 'corda-X.X'
Corda version is not supported network.version value must be a supported Corda version.
R3 b Init container failed

Error: Notary DB Failed
Notary registration not happened properly or Notary store certificates failed. Check the notary registration container logs (see below). Check vault path '/credentials' for nodekeystore, sslkeystore and truststore certificates or check for error in log (see below) store-certs container of notary-registration job.
R4 a Ansible playbook failed
Playbook execution terminated at
Role: create/certificates/node
Task: Any task that interacts with vault
Error: Vault timeout or related error.
Vault was unavailable due to connection issues. Please verify all Vault configuration field in the network.yaml. Additionally check if the Vault service/instance is online and reachable.
R5 a One or more organization(s) are missing from the overview. Something went wrong with the registration or connection issues occured. Check the status of the pods to make sure they are running. Use the commands in the table below to confirm the succesful registration.

Final R3 Corda (Network) Validation

What? How? Comments
Check if all* pods are running kubectl get pods -A or kubectl get pods -n <namespace>
*Keep in mind that pods are still initializing after Ansible is finished.
Check registration of notary nodes kubectl logs <podname> -n <namespace> notary-initial-registration
Check Corda logging kubectl logs <podname> -n <namespace> -c corda-logs
Check Corda status kubectl logs <podname> -n <namespace> -c corda-node
Check DB pods kubectl logs <podname> -n <namespace>
Verify that all
the nodes are shown in the network map
Go to the URL, example: https://[orderer].[name].[environment_name], specified in the network.yaml.
*It takes time for the URL to become available.

Quorum Checks

The flow chart shows the Quorum Deployment process. To verify the steps of deployment, follow the verification Table ‘Q’, to troubleshoot the general errors.


Quorum Troubleshooting

Table ‘Q’

Section Sub-section Problem Possible Cause Solution
Q1 a Organization(s) pods aren't deployed
Playbook execution failed at
Role: create/genesis_nodekey
Task: Copy genesis.json file
Error: Destination directory does not exist
Build directory does not exist or not accessible Ensure the path network.config.genesis/network.config.staticnodes folder path is accessible(read and write) by ansible controller and is an absolute path
Q1 b Organization(s) pods aren't deployed
Playbook execution failed at
Role: create/crypto/tessera
Task: Generate node tm keys
Error: non-zero return code
Campatability issue with JDK/JRE and Tessera version Install the correct JDK/JRE for the version of Tessera you are using: Use JDK/JRE 11 for tessera version 0.10.3 and later and use JDK/JRE version 8 for 0.10.2 and earlier.
Q1 c Organization(s) pods aren't deployed
Playbook execution failed at
Role: setup/vault_kubernetes
Task: Vault Auth enable for organisation
Error: Error enabling kubernetes auth: Error making API request
Vault authentication issue Ensure vault credentials are properly mentioned in network.yaml file/Access to the given path
Q1 d Ansible playbook failed after exhausting retry counts or
peer pod is in Init:Crashloopbackoff state
Playbook execution terminated at
Role: create/tessera
Task: Waiting for peer pod PEER_NAME in ORG_NAME-quo
Error: Retries exhausted/stuck
Issue with Vault connectivity If the pod PEER_NAME-0 has the status as Init:Crashloopbackoff. Check the logs of the init container certificates-init of this pod. This can be checked using the command
kubectl logs PEER_NAME-0 -n ORG_NAME-quo -c certificates-init
If the logs mention non accessibility of the Vault, make sure that the Vault is up and running and is accessible from the cluster
Q1 e Ansible playbook failed after exhausting retry counts or
peer pod is in Init:Crashloopbackoff state
Playbook execution terminated at
Role: create/constellation
Task: Waiting for peer pod PEER_NAME in ORG_NAME-quo
Error: Retries exhausted/stuck
Issue with Vault connectivity If the pod PEER_NAME-0 has the status as Init:Crashloopbackoff. Check the logs of the init container certificates-init of this pod. This can be checked using the command
kubectl logs PEER_NAME-0 -n ORG_NAME-quo -c certificates-init
If the logs mention non accessibility of the Vault, make sure that the Vault is up and running and is accessible from the cluster
Q1 f Ansible playbook failed
Playbook execution terminated at
Role: create/crypto/raft
Task:Copy the crypto material to Vault
Error: Vault Access denied, Root Token invalid, Vault Sealed
Issue with Vault connectivity If the logs mention "access denied", make sure that the Vault authentications were created correctly by checking all the tabs on Vault UI.
Any Vault authentication problem is because of running different configurations (network.yaml) on the same Vault. Please ensure that you reset the network before re-running with a different network.yaml.
Q1 g Ansible playbook failed
Playbook execution terminated at
Role: create/crypto/ibft
Task: Copy the crypto material to Vault
Error: Vault Access denied, Root Token invalid, Vault Sealed
Issue with Vault connectivity If the logs mention "access denied", make sure that the Vault authentications were created correctly by checking all the tabs on Vault UI.
Any Vault authentication problem is because of running different configurations (network.yaml) on the same Vault. Please ensure that you reset the network before re-running with a different network.yaml.
Q1 h Ansible playbook failed
Playbook execution terminated at
Role: create/tessera or create/constellation
Task: Create value file for Tessera TM for each node
Error: could not locate file in lookup: network.config.genesis
Genesis file not present in the location/not added in configuration file Ensure the path of genesis file of exising network is correct/accessible(read and write) by ansible controller and is an absolute path
Q1 i Ansible playbook failed
Playbook execution terminated at
Role: create/tessera or create/constellation
Task: Create value file for Tessera TM for each node
Error: could not locate file in lookup: network.config.staticnodes
Staticnodes file not present in the location/not added in configuration file Ensure the path of staticnodes file of exising network is correct/accessible(read and write) by ansible controller and is an absolute path
Q2 a Organization(s) pods successfully deployed
Error: Not able to connect to geth console of an organization(s)
Check the logs of the tessera container tessera of this pod.
This can be checked using the command kubectl logs PEER_NAME-0 -n ORG_NAME-quo -c tessera.
If logs says UnknownHostException then probable reason could be due to External Url Suffix not
properly configured/defined in network.yaml/problem in accessing it
Ensure the mentioned external_url_suffix is added in DNS recordset and is different from other clusters incase configured.
Q2 b Organization(s) pods successfully deployed
Error: Issue in connecting to transaction manager
Check the logs of the tessera container tessera of this pod.
This can be checked using the command kubectl logs PEER_NAME-0 -n ORG_NAME-quo -c tessera.
If logs says SSLHandshakeException: Remote host terminated the handshake
when connecting to https://( default port)
Ensure the peer name and external url suffix mentioned correctly as per the configuration under network.config.tm_nodes

Final network validity check

For final checking of the validity of the quorum network.

  • Start interactive java script console to the node by doing geth attach

     geth attach http://<>.<external_url_suffix>:<ambassador rpc port> 
  • Use admin.peers to get a list of the currently connected peers to ensure all the nodes are up and connected as per the configuration on geth console.

     $ admin.peers
  • Use ‘/upcheck’ endpoint to check the health of transaction manager

    $ curl --location --request GET 'https://<>.<external_url_suffix>:<ambassador port>/upcheck' -k

Upon successfull connection, response should be 200 I'm up!

NOTE: Use /partyinfo endpoint to know connected transaction manager,last connect time and public keys