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Upgrading chaincode in Hyperledger Fabric


Hyperledger Fabric network deployed, network.yaml configuration file already set and chaincode is installed and instantiated or packaged, approved and commited in case of Fabric version 2.2.

Modifying configuration file

Refer this guide for details on editing the configuration file.

The network.yaml file should contain the specific[*].arguments,[*].version and[*].name variables which are used as arguments while upgrading the chaincode.

For reference, following snippet shows that section of network.yaml

    - organization:
      name: manufacturer
        - peer:
          name: peer0          
            - name: "chaincode_name" #This has to be replaced with the name of the chaincode
              version: "chaincode_version" # This has to be greater than the current version, should be an integer.
              sequence: "2" # sequence of the chaincode, update this only for chaincode upgrade depending on the last sequence
              maindirectory: "chaincode_main"  #The main directory where chaincode is needed to be placed
              lang: "java" # The chaincode language, optional field with default vaule of 'go'.
                username: "git_username"          # Git Service user who has rights to check-in in all branches
                password: "git_access_token"
                url: ""
                branch: develop
                path: "chaincode_src"   #The path to the chaincode 
              arguments: 'chaincode_args' #Arguments to be passed along with the chaincode parameters
              endorsements: "" #Endorsements (if any) provided along with the chaincode

When the chaincode is an external service,[*].upgrade_chaincode variable must also be added to change the version. If only the sequence is modified, it isn't necessary to add this field.

The sequence must be incremented in each execution regardless of whether the version has been modified or not.

For reference, following snippet shows that section of network.yaml

    - organization:
      name: manufacturer
        - peer:
          name: peer0          
            - name: "chaincode_name" #This has to be replaced with the name of the chaincode
              version: "2" #This has to be replaced with the version of the chaincode
              sequence: "2"
              external_chaincode: true
              upgrade_chaincode: true 
              tls: true
              buildpack_path: /home/fabric-samples/asset-transfer-basic/chaincode-external/sampleBuilder  # The path where buildpacks are locally stored
              arguments: '\"InitLedger\",\"\"' # Init Arguments to be passed which will mark chaincode as init-required
              crypto_mount_path: /crypto  # OPTIONAL | tls: true | Path where crypto shall be mounted for the chaincode server

Run playbook for Fabric version 1.4.x

The playbook chaincode-upgrade.yaml is used to upgrade chaincode to a new version in the existing fabric network with version 1.4.x. This can be done by using the following command

    ansible-playbook platforms/hyperledger-fabric/configuration/chaincode-upgrade.yaml --extra-vars "@path-to-network.yaml"

Run playbook for Fabric version 2.2.x

The playbook chaincode-ops.yaml is used to upgrade chaincode to a new version in the existing fabric network with version 2.2.x. This can be done by using the following command

    ansible-playbook platforms/hyperledger-fabric/configuration/chaincode-ops.yaml --extra-vars "@path-to-network.yaml"

Run playbook for Fabric version 2.2.x with external chaincode

The playbook external-chaincode-ops.yaml is used to upgrade chaincode to a new version in the existing fabric network with version 2.2.x. This can be done by using the following command

    ansible-playbook platforms/hyperledger-fabric/configuration/external-chaincode-ops.yaml --extra-vars "@path-to-network.yaml"

NOTE: The Chaincode should be upgraded for all participants of the channel.