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DSCP - Digital Supply Chain Platform

A sample supply chain application deployed on Substrate based DLT network using Hyperledger Bevel

This demo application has been developed to demonstrate the benefits of distributed systems to the additive-manufacturing industry within aerospace. The application defines a consortium of multiple organizations. It allows nodes to track products or goods along with their chain of custody. It provides the members of the consortium all the relevant data about their product throughout it's journey, from raw material to the finished product. It provides simple web clients that let you perform the actions of different personas in a supplychain industry.


  • Substrate network of one or more organizations. A complete supplychain network will have the following organizations:
  • OEM - Original Equipment Manufacturer (admin organization and buyer persona)
  • Tier 1 - supplier persona
  • Tier 2 - thirdparty persona
  • IPFS network with all the above organizations

Find more at DSCP-App